Quality Standards
Quality standards cover different areas, whereby the training with its curricula and degrees is central. Every recognised eurythmy therapist receives a diploma from the Medical Section at the Goetheanum after completing the training, which includes a recognised practicum. A Master's degree is currently only awarded at the Alanus University and requires a Bachelor's degree in the basic course of study. Master's graduates can subsequently pursue a doctorate.
The commitment to Continuous Professional Development and its recognition, forms another component. Further training courses are generally recognised by the relevant professional association.
Furthermore, additional qualifications can be acquired which further deepen certain areas of eurythmy therapy such as dental and eye treatment.
The basis for the qualifications is the IKAM accreditation in collaboration with the Medical Section at the Goetheanum: this is a mutual accreditation process in a form of exchange and communication. The aim is quality assurance on an anthroposophical medical basis. In this way we support each other in an effective way and enable a freer quality development within training and further education.
In concrete terms this means the following for our department:
From the ranks of Eurythmy Therapy Trainings, the International Trainers' Conference is formed. It advises and accompanies the activities of the training centres in agreement with their representatives and works out the modalities of mutual recognition based on the jointly developed international curriculum. After completion of the accreditation procedure, the training centre is entitled to receive diplomas from the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science, Dornach, Switzerland, for its graduates. Jointly developed guidelines form the basis for this, which can be downloaded here: