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What is Eurythmy Therapy?

Eurythmy therapy is a treatment method of Anthroposophic medicine, where conventional medicine is extended by an Anthroposophic approach.Through movement exercises inherent healing forces of the organism are addressed and the activity of the Self, the essential kernel of the individual, is thereby supported in taking hold of the irregularity in question. A holistic understanding of the body-mind-spirit relationship in the human being forms its therapeutic basis.

Eurythmy therapy is used in a broad spectrum of clinical situations including the regulation of metabolic and nerve-sense processes and the harmonization of cardiovascular and respiratory activity. All organ functions can be specifically addressed by the exercises which are based on the physiology of the human organism, on language and music.  The exercises improve body awareness, coordination and dexterity, which leads to relaxation or revitalisation and thus to an individual inner balance.  The systemic approach guides patients to the body's own energy resources as the basis for health.

Ideally, a doctor and eurythmy therapist cooperate, however the specific medical training for a eurythmy therapist allows for independent work. The diagnosis by the physician is complemented by the movement diagnosis and a treatment plan is developed on this basis.

The multifaceted nature of eurythmy therapy is holistically oriented. Movement is to be experienced and attention paid ‘right into to the tip of the smallest toe’. There are specific movements of the body, especially of the arms and legs. The exercises are modified to suit the individual needs and capacities: they can be performed in seating, in lying or moving at increased speed or deliberate deceleration even jumping- even simply performed in the presence of the individual. They may be supplemented by rhythm exercises and movement meditations. In contrast to comparable movement therapies, the correct implementation of the exercises here requires the outer movement to be filled with intention and soul. In this way, pathological processes in the organism are helped towards a new and sound arrangement. By active formative structuring by the patient, the symptoms are not changed from the outside, rather the individual willingly and consciously participate in the change towards health. The approach is often experienced as self-empowering by children and adults alike. The change in how one ‘sits’ in oneself may enable lifestyle changes hitherto not achieved. Please find the key areas of work in eurythmy therapy here.

The patient receives systematic instruction in the treatment sessions. Practice and rest are an integral part of the therapy: what has been learned is integrated by independent practice at home as well as through the rest phase. The therapeutic encounter is an interactive process which pays close attention to the patient’s need for autonomy, along with their need for safety and understanding with the aim that the patient develops their own therapeutic remedy for themselves.

Read more about the treatment here.