Only a small part of the scientific investigation of eurythmy therapy will be given here. In addition to randomised controlled studies, the individual case study is an important instrument for indicating efficacy. The Merkurstab (the German Anthroposophic medical journal) publishes these presentations, which have been written over many decades and are stored in the Anthromedics database ( We are currently working on a standardised form of the single case study vignette, a short form of the single case study, which should facilitate the publication of valuable experience in daily practice. The couple Bräuner-Gülow and Gülow have presented ground-breaking results on eurythmy therapy for anorexia[1], breast cancer[2] and heart attacks[3], amongst others.
Well known examples of larger studies are the Anthroposophic Medicine Outcomes Study (AMOS study), about which 36 publications have appeared in German and English ( Among other things, it showed the positive effect of eurythmy therapy for chronic conditions such as migraine. We owe this study to the IFAEEM Institute in Stuttgart. Intensive research is also being conducted at the University of Witten/Herdecke. The Institute for Integrative Medicine ( published an important study investigating the effect of eurythmy therapy in comparison with yoga and physiotherapy, in which eurythmy therapy scored better than the comparative interventions not only in improving symptoms but also in increasing quality of life[4].
At the institute there, a pilot study was recently carried out on the short individual case documentation of embodiment processes using eurythmy therapy as an example[5]. Further studies follow, building on this basis. In Witten/Herdecke the Edelhäuser/Cysarz team ( is investigating the effect of eurythmy therapy on heart rate variability[6][7]. The team around Georg Seifert at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin is also researching the change in heart rate variability through eurythmy therapy[8][9][10][11].
The Arcim Institute (, which among other things has carried out a web-based survey on satisfaction with eurythmy therapy, follows a different approach. The data from over 1000 respondents outlined a picture of positive experiences with the therapy, so that new studies can be set up on the basis of these results[12]. The Institute for Eurythmy Therapy ( conducts research hand in hand with the institutes mentioned above. Study groups are regularly formed here, currently for allergic rhinopathy, mild exhaustion and warmth regulation. The research of the Institute is embedded in the Research Institute for Creative Arts Therapies (RIArT)(
In the Netherlands, it is mainly the Louis Bolk Instituut ( and the Leiden University College ( that are investigating the effects of eurythmy therapy. The Institute for Infection Prevention and Hospital Hygiene/University Centre for Naturopathy at the University Hospital of Freiburg has launched a major study on fall prevention in elderly people. Eurythmy therapy is compared with Tai Chi. The study is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (
In addition to these major projects, colleagues are conducting daily research into the effects of eurythmy therapy in private practice or in smaller contexts: Every indication, every finding is important to feed the circulation of the large studies. We welcome your comments and experiences! Contact
[1] Gisela Bräuner-Gülow, ‘Die heileurythmische Stoffwechselreihe L M S R bei Anorexia nervosa’, Der Merkurstab, 2000
[2] Giesela Bräuner-Gülow, ‘Dokumentation zur Heileurythmie bei Mamma-Karzinom’, Der Merkurstab, 2008
[3] Giesela Bräuner-Gülow, Helge Gülow, ‘Dokumentation zur Heileurythmie bei Herzinfarkt an der Filderklinik. Behandlungsprozess bei zwei Typusgruppen (60 Patienten),’ Der Merkurstab, 2007
[4] Arndt Büssing et al, ‘Treatment of Chronic Lower Back Pain: Study Protocol of a Comparative Effectiveness Study on Yoga, Eurythmy Therapy, and Physiotherapeutic Exercises’, Complementary Medicine Research, 2017
[5] Katharina Gerlach, Daniela Rodrigues Recchia, Arndt Büssing, ‘Development of a Documentation Instrument for Movement-Orientated Mind-Body-Therapies Taking the Example of Eurythmy-Therapy’, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 44 (2019), 91–93
[6]Friedrich Edelhäuser et al, ‘Eurythmy Therapy Increases Specific Oscillations of Heart Rate Variability’, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15.1 (2015)
[7] Dirk Cysarz et al, ‘Mind-Body Therapy Comprising Body Movement and Imagery (Eurythmy Therapy) Shows Specific Effects on Heart Rate Variability’, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 5.3 (2009), 159–60
[8] Georg Seifert, Pablo Hernáiz Driever, et al, ‘Effects of Complementary Eurythmy Therapy on Heart Rate Variability’, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 17.3 (2009), 161–67
[9] Georg Seifert, Jenny-Lena Kanitz, et al, ‘Improvement of Circadian Rhythm of Heart Rate Variability by Eurythmy Therapy Training’, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013 (2013), 1–9
[10] Georg Seifert, Jenny-Lena Kanitz, et al, ‘Improvement of Heart Rate Variability by Eurythmy Therapy After a 6-Week Eurythmy Therapy Training’, Integrative Cancer Therapies, 11.2 (2012), 111–19
[11] Jenny Lena Kanitz et al, ‘The Impact of Eurythmy Therapy on Stress Coping Strategies and Health-Related Quality of Life in Healthy, Moderately Stressed Adults’, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 19.5 (2011), 247–55
[12] Jan Vagedes, ‘Patientenbefragung Zu Persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Eurythmietherapie - Eine Internationale Querschnittstudie’, Festschrift/Dokumentation Zur 2. Welt-Heileurythmie-Konferenz, 2016.