2021 - Colourful variety of eurythmy therapy
Every second month we will present eurythmy therapy work from different countries and areas in this diversity section. In this way we would like to bring the abundance of eurythmy therapy into visibility.
In the fourth part we would like to present some birthday wishes for eurythmy therapy.
Birthday wishes
On September 14th “Rhythms in life” premiered at the Medical Section Conference in Switzerland. The film celebrates the impact of Eurythmy Therapy in the lives of people from the very young to the very old.
Some participants of the film were asked what they wished for the future of Eurythmy Therapy. Have a look to see some of the them.
What would be your wish?
► Wishes from Wilburg Keller Roth
Please, let us know your wishes! These might appear here on our website.
Contact: hana.adamcova@medsektion-ikam.LÖSCHEN.org